Top tasks in Vaccinations
NHS vaccinations and when to have them
Check the NHS vaccination schedule to find out what vaccines are recommended for you or your child
Why vaccination is important and the safest way to protect yourself
Find out how vaccines work, what they contain and common side effects
Vaccination and booking services
About NHS vaccination services, including how to book online, find a walk-in site and change invitation preferences
Booking your child's vaccination appointment
Find out how to book vaccination appointments for your child
Vaccination tips for parents
Advice about how to help your child's vaccination appointment go smoothly and what to expect afterwards
Vaccinations in pregnancy
Advice about vaccinations during pregnancy, including recommended vaccines such as the whooping cough vaccine
Travel vaccinations
Advice about getting vaccinated before travelling abroad and information about common travel vaccines such as the yellow fever vaccine
4-in-1 pre-school booster
For children aged 3 years, 4 months old to help protect against 4 serious illnesses
6-in-1 vaccine
For babies when they're 8, 12 and 16 weeks old to help protect against 6 serious illnesses
BCG vaccine for tuberculosis (TB)
For babies, children and adults at higher risk of getting tuberculosis (TB)
Chickenpox vaccine
For people in close contact with someone at a higher risk of getting seriously ill from chickenpox
COVID-19 vaccine
For people at higher risk from COVID-19, including adults aged 65 and over and people with certain health conditions
Flu vaccine
For people at higher risk from flu, including adults aged 65 and over and people with certain health conditions
Flu vaccine for children
For most children to help stop them catching or spreading flu
Hepatitis B vaccine
For babies, children and adults at higher risk of getting hepatitis B
Hib/MenC vaccine
For babies when they’re 1 year old to help protect against Hib and meningitis
HPV vaccine
For all children aged 12 to 13 years old and people at higher risk of getting HPV
MenACWY vaccine
For all teenagers and people at higher risk of getting meningitis
MenB vaccine
For babies when they're 8 weeks, 16 weeks and 1 year old to help protect against meningitis
MMR vaccine
For children when they're 1 year old and 3 years, 4 months old to help protect against measles, mumps and rubella
Pneumococcal vaccine
For people at higher risk of pneumococcal infections, such as babies and adults aged 65 and over
Rotavirus vaccine
For babies when they're 8 and 12 weeks old to help protect against a common stomach bug called rotavirus
RSV vaccine
For people aged 75 to 79 and anyone who's pregnant, to help protect against a common virus called RSV
Shingles vaccine
For people at higher risk from shingles, including adults turning 65 years old and those aged 70 to 79
Td/IPV vaccine (3-in-1 teenage booster)
For all teenagers and people at higher risk of tetanus, diphtheria or polio