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Search results for junk food

  • Gastrectomy - Complications

    As with any type of surgery, a gastrectomy carries a risk of complications. Problems can also occur because of changes in the way you digest food.

  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease - Prevention

    Read about the strict controls that are in place to prevent variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) spreading through the food supply and blood transfusions.

  • Coeliac disease - Treatment

    Find out about treatment for coeliac disease. It's treated by excluding foods that contain gluten from your diet.

  • Weaning and feeding

    How to move on to solid foods and drinks, meal ideas and food safety.

  • What to feed young children

    The different foods your toddler or pre-schooler needs, including milk and dairy; starchy foods; fruit and vegetables; meat, fish and other sources of protein.

  • Baby and toddler meal ideas

    Try our great meal ideas to give your older baby or toddler a healthy, well-balanced diet.

  • Obesity

    Read about obesity and how it can seriously affect your health. Ways to lose weight safely include eating a healthy, reduced-calorie diet and exercising regularly.

  • Constipation

    Constipation is common and it affects people of all ages. You can usually treat it at home with simple changes to your diet and lifestyle.

  • Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) - Prevention

    The best way to help prevent a TIA is to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol.

  • Rickets and osteomalacia - Prevention

    There are several steps you can take to help prevent rickets. These include ensuring your child has a healthy, balanced diet and spends some time outside in the sun.