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  • Staying with my child in hospital

    You can usually stay with your child in hospital. There are things you can do to prepare your child for hospital to make it easier for them.

  • How to organise transport to and from hospital

    Find out about transport to and from hospital. If it's not an emergency you'll normally be expected to make your own way there. If it's a medical emergency, call 999 and ask for an ambulance.

  • Being discharged from hospital

    Information about being discharged from hospital, including advice about medicine, medical devices and arranging transport.

  • About NHS hospital services

    Read about NHS hospital services.

  • Hospital admissions

    Read about how you're admitted to hospital, including admission letters, cancelling or rearranging appointments, and what usually happens at pre-assessment appointments.

  • Visitors who do not need to pay for NHS treatment

    Some visitors to England do not have to pay for NHS hospital treatment. Find out whether you're in any of the "exemption categories".

  • Third party services - NHS App help and support

    Find out about other services available to you using the NHS App or the NHS website.

  • Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS)

    If you're referred to hospital or other NHS premises for specialist NHS treatment or diagnostic tests by a doctor, dentist or another primary care health professional, you may be able to claim a refund of reasonable travel costs under the Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS).

  • What happens at the hospital or birth centre

    Find out when to call the hospital, midwife unit or midwife once labour starts, and when to go. Plus what to expect when you get there, including examinations the midwife will carry out and what the delivery rooms are like.

  • Staying in hospital as an inpatient

    If you have been referred to hospital for an operation or test and you need to stay overnight, it means you're being treated as an inpatient. When you arrive at the hospital, you'll be welcomed by a member of staff, who will explain the processes to you and ....