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Explore your support options

When people decide to quit smoking, many try to quit cold turkey, relying on willpower alone. But quitting this way can be tough, and most people end up smoking again.

The good news is, with the right support, you have a much better chance of quitting for good. Let’s explore your options.

Get free, expert support from your local Stop Smoking Service

Sometimes, it can feel overwhelming to work out how to quit smoking and how to stick with it.

That is where local Stop Smoking Services can help. These are free services run by experts and ex-smokers who give personalised advice and support to help you quit for good.

Even if you are not yet ready to quit, they can help.

Your local Stop Smoking Service can help you quit in ways that work for you

Sessions are:

  • at different times and days to suit your schedule
  • online, face-to-face or on the phone
  • in a one-to-one or group setting

Quitting with others can really help keep you going. Some services can even help you set up a group with your friends, all supported by an expert adviser.

Find out more about your local Stop Smoking Service.

Sessions can be on the phone or video call.

Other expert support

In addition to local Stop Smoking Services, there are other ways to get expert help when you quit smoking.


Many pharmacies offer stop-smoking schemes with tailored advice and nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) to help you quit.

GP surgery

A GP can prescribe nicotine-free medicines. When you combine this medicine with NRTs, you are over 5 times more likely to quit smoking for good!

National Smokefree Helpline

You can also reach out to the National Smokefree Helpline to talk to a trained adviser for advice and support.

Call 0300 123 1044 (England only).

Lines are open:

  • Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm
  • Saturday and Sunday, 11am to 4pm

Did you know?

Research shows that having a discussion with a professional helps you find the right stop smoking treatment and increases your chances of quitting.

Digital support

Get support when you need it from digital tools specifically designed to help you quit smoking.

Personal Quit Plan

Make a Personal Quit Plan to help you stop smoking for good. It’s quick and only takes a few minutes to complete. Your answers will create a step-by-step guide that is tailored to you.

Email support programme

Sign up for 28 days of stop smoking advice and tips delivered straight to your inbox. After 28 days you will continue to get occasional emails to help keep you on track.

Facebook group

The NHS Smokefree Facebook Group is a friendly space where you can get help to stop smoking from experts and people who understand what you are going through. You can share your journey, ask questions, and get advice from others who are trying to quit too.

Download the free NHS Quit Smoking app

Use the NHS Quit Smoking app to help you quit smoking and start breathing more easily.

The app allows you to:

  • track your progress
  • see how much you're saving
  • get daily support

Once you reach 28 days smoke-free, you're much more likely to quit for good!

Get the support you need

Quitting smoking can be tough, and relying on willpower alone is often not enough.

Getting the right help can make all the difference. You are much more likely to quit for good when you get help, so do not quit alone and get the support you need!

There are a variety of stop-smoking products, such as vapes, nicotine patches and gums.

Find the best stop-smoking products for you

Getting expert and digital support is important, but using stop-smoking products can make you much more likely to quit for good.