Sports and activities
Sports and active hobbies are a great way to get moving, which is really good for everyone's physical and mental health.
Getting kids moving and having fun again has never been more important, and it all counts towards the 60 minutes of physical activity (including 30 minutes outside of school) they need every day.
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Sports you might love
See more ideas, information and ways to try new sports or activities. It's time to find a new favourite!

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The benefits of moving more
Being active isn't just about feeling stronger, fitter, more energetic and sleeping better. It's also about having fun!
Kids need to be active for at least 60 minutes a day, with 30 minutes of this outside of school. This should include 3 sessions a week of activity that strengthens muscles and bones, so mix it up!
And it's not just physically that kids benefits – being active also helps with mental health.
Evidence shows that children and young people who are more active have more confidence, higher self-esteem, less anxiety and stress, and better social skills – attributes that can help them deal with the challenges they face in daily life.
Having a positive attitude towards physical activity has also been associated with children being happier.

Getting a little extra help
It is equally important that children with disabilities are active, for their health and development – and more importantly – to have fun and make friends.
It can often be difficult to find suitable options, but there are more out there than you think. The Activity Alliance is a good place to start for more information.