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Causes - Cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is caused by a problem with the brain that happens before, during or soon after birth.

The brain can either be damaged or not develop normally, although the exact cause is not always clear.

Problems before birth

Cerebral palsy is usually caused by a problem that affects the development of a baby's brain while it's growing in the womb.

These include:

Problems during or after birth

Cerebral palsy can also sometimes be caused by damage to a baby's brain during or shortly after birth.

For example, it can be due to:

Increased risk

Some things can increase a baby's risk of being born with cerebral palsy including:

  • being born prematurely (before the 37th week of pregnancy) – babies born at 32 weeks or earlier are at a particularly high risk
  • having a low birthweight
  • being part of a multiple birth, such as a twin or triplet
  • the mother smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol, or taking drugs such as cocaine, during pregnancy

Your doctor may recommend your baby has regular check-ups to look for symptoms of cerebral palsy during the first 2 years of their life if they have an increased risk of developing the condition.

Page last reviewed: 31 May 2023
Next review due: 31 May 2026

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