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How to book cervical screening

Booking a cervical screening appointment

You'll be sent an invitation letter in the post when it's time to book your cervical screening appointment.

Your invitation letter will tell you where you can go for cervical screening and how to book.

Most cervical screening is done in a GP surgery by a female nurse or doctor.

Call your GP surgery to book an appointment with them. You might be able to book the appointment online.

In some parts of England, you may be able to go to a local sexual health clinic or walk-in centre instead.

See what to do if you do not have a letter

Call your GP surgery to book an appointment if you think you need cervical screening but:

  • you've not been sent an invitation letter
  • you've lost the invitation letter
See what to do if you're not registered with a GP

To book a cervical screening appointment if you're not registered with a GP, you can:

Important: If you missed an appointment

If you were invited for cervical screening but missed or did not book an appointment, you can contact your GP surgery or local sexual health clinic to book now.

You can still book even if you were invited weeks or months ago.

When to book cervical screening

Try to book your appointment as soon as you get invited. If you missed your last cervical screening, you do not need to wait for a letter.

It's best to book an appointment for a time when:

  • you're not having a period – also try to avoid the 2 days before or after you bleed (if you do not have periods, you can book any time)
  • you've finished treatment if you have unusual vaginal discharge or a pelvic infection

Find out more about cervical screening during pregnancy and health things you should know in pregnancy.


Avoid using any vaginal medicines, lubricants or creams in the 2 days before you go for cervical screening as they can affect the results.

Things to ask when you book

It's OK to let the GP surgery know if you have any worries about going for cervical screening.


  • let them know if you'd like a woman to do the test – most nurses and doctors who take cervical screening samples are female

  • let them know if you'd like someone else to be in the room with you (a chaperone) – this could be someone you know, another nurse or a trained member of staff

  • ask for a longer appointment if you think you might need more time – some GP surgeries can offer a double booking

  • let them know if you're finding the test more difficult after going through the menopause – they can prescribe a vaginal oestrogen cream or pessary before the test

  • ask for a smaller speculum (a smooth, tube-shaped tool that's put into your vagina so they can see your cervix)


  • try not to be embarrassed about talking to the nurse or doctor on the day – they're trained to make you feel more comfortable and provide support

Page last reviewed: 14 June 2023
Next review due: 14 June 2026

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