During cervical screening a small sample of cells is taken from your cervix for testing.
It's usually done by a female nurse or doctor.
Before starting, they should explain what will happen during the test and answer any questions you have.
See what the cervix is

See what a speculum and brush may look like

How cervical screening is done
- You'll need to undress, behind a screen, from the waist down. You'll be given a sheet to put over you.
- The nurse will ask you to lie back on a bed, usually with your legs bent, feet together and knees apart. Sometimes you may need to change position during the test.
- They'll gently put a smooth, tube-shaped tool (a speculum) into your vagina. A small amount of lubricant may be used.
- The nurse will open the speculum so they can see your cervix.
- Using a soft brush, they'll take a small sample of cells from your cervix.
- The nurse will close and remove the speculum and leave you to get dressed.
The cervical screening test itself should take less than 5 minutes. The whole appointment should take about 10 minutes.
Video: how cervical screening is done
This video shows someone having cervical screening. It shows an illustrated view of the inside of the body and explains what happens during the test.
Media review due: 4 February 2025
You're in control of the cervical screening test and can ask the nurse to stop at any time.
Things you can try to make the cervical screening test easier
If you're worried about cervical screening, there are things you can try that might make the test easier for you.
wear something you can leave on during the test, like a skirt or long jumper
bring someone with you for support
try breathing exercises to help you relax – ask the nurse about these
ask the nurse to use a smaller speculum
ask the nurse about lying in a different position – such as on your side with your knees pulled up to your chest
bring something to listen to or read during the test
do not feel pressured to keep going – you can ask to stop the test at any time
try not to be afraid or embarrassed to talk to the nurse – telling them how you feel will help them understand what kind of support you might need
Things to look out for after cervical screening
You may have some spotting or light bleeding after your cervical screening test.
This is very common and should go away after a few hours, but contact your GP surgery if you have any concerns.
Non-urgent advice: See a GP if:
You've had cervical screening and have:
- heavy bleeding
- spotting or light bleeding that does not stop after a few hours