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Risks - Coronary angioplasty and stent insertion

As with all types of surgery, coronary angioplasty carries a risk of complications. However, the risk of serious problems is small.

Complications can occur during or after an angioplasty.

It's common to have bleeding or bruising under the skin where the catheter was inserted.

More serious complications are less common but can include:

  • damage to the artery where the sheath was inserted
  • allergic reaction to the contrast agent used during the procedure
  • damage to an artery in the heart
  • excessive bleeding requiring a blood transfusion
  • heart attackstroke or death

Who's most at risk?

The risk of having complications depends on your age, overall health, if you have any other conditions, and whether the procedure was planned or as emergency treatment.

Your cardiology team can give you more information about your individual circumstances and level of risk.

Page last reviewed: 04 October 2022
Next review due: 04 October 2025

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