Without treatment, symptoms of Crohn's disease can be constant or may come and go every few weeks or months.
When the symptoms come back, it's called a flare-up or relapse. The periods between flare-ups are called remission.
Common symptoms
The main symptoms of Crohn's disease are:
- diarrhoea – which may come on suddenly
- stomach aches and cramps – most often in the lower-right part of your tummy
- blood in your poo
- tiredness (fatigue)
- weight loss
You might not have all these symptoms.
Other symptoms
Some people with Crohn's disease also have:
- a high temperature
- feeling and being sick
- joint pains
- sore, red eyes
- patches of painful, red and swollen skin – usually on the legs
- mouth ulcers
Children with Crohn's disease may grow more slowly than usual.
When to see a GP
See a GP if you or your child have:
- blood in your poo
- diarrhoea for more than 7 days
- frequent stomach aches or cramps
- lost weight for no reason, or your child is not growing as fast as you'd expect
A GP will try to find out what's causing your symptoms and may refer you for tests to check for Crohn's disease.
Page last reviewed: 22 April 2021
Next review due: 22 April 2024