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Preparing for a cystoscopy

Getting ready for a cystoscopy

How to prepare for a cystoscopy is different depending on the type of cystoscopy you’re having.

Types of cystoscopy

There are 2 types of cystoscopy:

  • a flexible cystoscopy – which uses a thin, flexible tube with a camera in, it’s bendy and is often used for checking bladder symptoms
  • a rigid cystoscopy – which uses a straight tube with a camera inside, it does not bend and is often used to treat bladder conditions

You should be told what type of cystoscopy you're having and if there's anything you need to do to prepare.

If you do not know, contact the GP or doctor who referred you for the cystoscopy for advice.

Preparing for a flexible cystoscopy

A flexible cystoscopy is usually carried out using a local anaesthetic to numb the area around your urethra (the tube your pee comes out of).

You should be able to eat and drink as normal on the day of a flexible cystoscopy.

Preparing for a rigid cystoscopy

A rigid cystoscopy can be done using:

  • a general anaesthetic, where you're asleep during the procedure
  • anaesthetic given in your spine (spinal anaesthetic), which numbs the lower half of your body during the procedure

If you’re having a general anaesthetic, you may be asked to attend an assessment appointment around a week before your cystoscopy. This usually involves a nurse taking some measurements, such as your blood pressure. This helps plan the safe use of the anaesthetic.

You'll usually be told to avoid eating or drinking (fast) for several hours before a rigid cystoscopy. You'll be given more detailed information about this.

You will also need somebody to take you home after a rigid cystoscopy and stay with you for 24 hours afterwards.

Page last reviewed: 29 January 2024
Next review due: 29 January 2027

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