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Support for families and carers - Down's syndrome

Supporting someone with Down's syndrome can be both rewarding and challenging.

If you need help, or just want someone to talk to, there's lots of support available.

Speak to parents and families

It can help to speak to other parents and families who know how you're feeling.

You can do this by:

  • getting in touch with people on forums and social media
  • going to a support group – ask your midwife or health visitor about local support groups

The Down's Syndrome Association also has a list of support groups:

Speak to a charity

You can get advice from charities such as:

Down's Syndrome Association

For people with Down's syndrome, their parents and carers.

Down Syndrome UK

For families and carers of children and young people with Down's syndrome.


For people with learning disabilities and their families.


To support and bring together families with disabled children.

Having a child with Down's syndrome

3 families share their experience of having a child with Down's syndrome

Media last reviewed: 18 March 2022
Media review due: 18 March 2025

Page last reviewed: 17 February 2023
Next review due: 17 February 2026

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