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Symptoms of non-melanoma skin cancer

Main symptoms of non-melanoma skin cancer

The main symptom of non-melanoma skin cancer is a growth or unusual patch on the skin.

Any part of your skin can be affected, but it's most common in areas exposed to the sun, such as the:

  • head, face and ears
  • neck and shoulders
  • back
  • hands
  • lower legs

The growths or patches can vary in colour, size and texture.

A dark red and black dome-shaped growth with smooth edges. Shown on white skin.
Some cancerous growths are raised and smooth with clear edges.
A raised pink growth with a light brown area in the middle that looks like a scab. Shown on white skin.
Some growths may be bumpier, rough or crusty.
A flat purple mark with uneven edges on a person's forehead. Shown on light brown skin.
Sometimes skin cancer may start as a flat discoloured patch.
A small red patch on the skin. The patch is flat with an irregular outline, and looks dry and scaly. Shown on white skin.
Cancerous patches can be a range of colours, including purple, brown and red.
A black patch on a person's right cheek, underneath their eye. Shown on dark brown skin.
The patches may be darker on brown or black skin.
A dry, crusty patch on white skin. The patch is yellow and brown, has an irregular border and looks like a scab.
Sometimes the patches may look crusty and feel rough or itchy.

New mole or changes to a mole

A new mole or a change in an existing mole may be a sign of melanoma. This is a more serious type of skin cancer.

Find out more about symptoms of melanoma

Non-urgent advice: See a GP if:

  • you have a growth on your skin that's getting bigger or has changed colour or texture
  • you have a growth or area of skin that hurts, itches, bleeds, crusts or scabs for more than 4 weeks

Finding non-melanoma skin cancer early can mean it's easier to treat.

What happens at your GP appointment

The GP may ask some questions about your health and symptoms, and how much time you spend in the sun.

Tell the GP if the growth or area of affected skin has recently changed. Also tell them if you or your family have had skin cancer in the past.

The GP will look at the affected area of skin. They may ask if they can take a photograph to send to a specialist (dermatologist) to look at.

Referral to a specialist

You may get an urgent referral for more tests or to see a specialist in hospital if the GP thinks you have symptoms that could be cancer. This does not definitely mean you have cancer.

Page last reviewed: 4 May 2023
Next review due: 4 May 2026