Main symptoms of retinoblastoma
Retinoblastoma can affect 1 or both eyes.
The main symptom is a white glow or white reflection in the centre of the eye (pupil).
You may be able to see it from just looking at the eye, or you may see it in low light or in photos where a flash has been used.

Other symptoms of retinoblastoma can include:
- the eyes pointing in a different direction (squint)
- the coloured part of the eye (iris) changing colour
- swelling around the eye
- uncontrolled eye movements
- vision problems
- pain in 1 or both eyes
Your child may otherwise seem well.
Urgent advice: Ask for an urgent GP appointment or call NHS 111 if:
- you notice a white glow or white reflection in the centre of your child's eye (pupil), which you may notice in low lighting or in photos using a flash
- your child's eye is swollen
- you think your child is having problems with their vision
- your child has a painful eye
- your child has uncontrolled eye movements
What happens at the GP appointment
The GP will check the back of your child’s eyes using a light, like at an eye test.
Your child may be referred straight to hospital or to a specialist eye doctor (ophthalmologist) for further tests.
If your child is referred to a specialist, the appointment should happen within 2 weeks.