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Treatment in adults - Scoliosis

Back pain is one of the main problems caused by scoliosis in adults, so treatment is mainly aimed at pain relief.

If the condition is not severe and is not causing any pain, treatment may not be needed.

There is a separate page about treatment for scoliosis in children.


Painkilling tablets may help relieve the pain that can be associated with scoliosis.

NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, are usually the first treatment recommended. These are available to buy from pharmacies and supermarkets without a prescription.

But NSAIDs are not suitable for everyone, so check the box or leaflet to see whether you can take the medicine first. Speak to a pharmacist if you're not sure.

See a GP if over-the-counter painkillers do not work. They may prescribe stronger painkillers or refer you to a specialist pain management clinic.


Activities that strengthen and stretch your back may help reduce your pain. Exercise can also help you maintain a healthy weight, which can reduce the strain on your back.

It does not matter what type of exercise you choose, the important thing is to keep your back moving. Choose something you enjoy and are likely to be able to stick with.

Some people may also benefit from doing back exercises taught by a physiotherapist. These are unlikely to improve the curvature of your spine, but may help with your pain.

If you have scoliosis, it's a good idea to speak to a healthcare professional, such as a GP, scoliosis specialist or physiotherapist, before starting a new exercise programme to check it's safe.

Spinal injections

Scoliosis can sometimes irritate or put pressure on the nerves in and around your spine, causing pain, numbness and a tingling sensation that can be felt in your lower back down to your feet.

In these cases, injections of steroids and local anaesthetic given into your back may help.

But the benefits of these injections normally only last a few weeks or months, so they're not usually a long-term solution.

Back braces

Back braces are not often used in adults with scoliosis, but they can provide pain relief by supporting your spine.

A brace may be considered as an alternative to surgery if you're not well enough to undergo an operation.


Most adults with scoliosis will not need surgery.

But it may be considered if:

  • the curve in your spine is severe or getting significantly worse
  • you have severe back pain and other treatments have not helped
  • the nerves in your spine are being irritated or squashed

If you need surgery you may be offered:

  • lumbar decompression surgery, to relieve pressure on nerves in your spine
  • spinal fusion, to join 2 or more vertebrae together to stabilise, strengthen and straighten your spine

Risks of surgery

Spinal surgery is a major operation and it can take up to a year or more to fully recover.

It also carries a risk of potentially serious complications including:

  • failure to reduce the pain – surgery is generally better at relieving pain that radiates to the legs, rather than pain in the back
  • a wound infection
  • a blood clot
  • rarely, damage to the nerves in the spine – this can result in permanent leg numbness or weakness, or some degree of paralysis in rare cases

More information

Page last reviewed: 12 April 2023
Next review due: 12 April 2026

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