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Treatment for soft tissue sarcoma

Treatment for soft tissue sarcoma

The treatment you’ll have for soft tissue sarcoma will depend on:

  • the type of soft tissue sarcoma
  • the size of the cancer
  • where it is in your body
  • if it has spread to your organs
  • your general health

Soft tissue sarcomas are usually treated using surgery and radiotherapy.

You may also be offered chemotherapy and targeted medicines.

The specialist care team looking after you will:

  • explain the treatments, benefits and side effects
  • work with you to create a treatment plan that is best for you
  • help you manage any side effects

You'll have regular check-ups during and after any treatments. You may also have tests and scans.

If you have any symptoms or side effects that you are worried about, talk to your specialists. You do not need to wait for your next check-up.


Surgery is the main treatment for soft tissue sarcoma. The aim is to remove as much of the cancer as possible.

If you have sarcoma in one of your arms or legs, the surgeon will try to remove the cancer without damaging or removing your arm or leg. This is known as limb sparing surgery.

Rarely, the surgeon may recommend removing your arm or leg (amputation). This is usually only done if the sarcoma has come back after limb sparing surgery.

If the cancer has spread, you may be offered further surgery.


Radiotherapy uses high-energy rays of radiation to kill cancer cells.

You may be offered radiotherapy:

  • to shrink the cancer before surgery
  • after surgery to help reduce the risk of the cancer coming back
  • to help shrink cancers that have spread to other parts of the body


Chemotherapy is not usually used to treat soft tissue sarcoma.

You may be offered chemotherapy:

  • to shrink the cancer before surgery
  • if you have certain types of sarcoma that respond well to chemotherapy
  • to slow the growth of the cancer and relieve your symptoms if it has spread

Targeted medicines

Targeted medicines kill cancer cells.

They are sometimes used to slow the growth of certain types of soft tissue sarcomas and help you live longer.

What happens if you’ve been told your cancer cannot be cured

If you’ve been diagnosed with advanced soft tissue sarcoma, it might be hard to treat and not possible to cure.

The aim of your treatment will be to slow down the growth and spread of the cancer and its symptoms, and help you live longer.

Finding out the cancer cannot be cured can be very hard news to take in.

You will be referred to a special team of doctors and nurses called the palliative care team or symptom control team.

They will work with you to help manage your symptoms and make you feel more comfortable.

The clinical nurse specialist or palliative care team can also help you and your loved ones get any support you need.


Find out more

Page last reviewed: 20 February 2024
Next review due: 20 February 2027