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Woody's Round-up

Woody wants some peace and quiet – but the Aliens want playtime. Who will win?

Players: 3 or more
Where to play? Indoors or outdoors

How to play

  1. Choose 1 person to be Woody. They turn and face a wall. Everybody else plays the Aliens and they line up some distance away.

  2. The Aliens shout "What time is it, Woody?" and without turning round, Woody shouts out a time.

  3. If Woody shouts "It's 2 o'clock!", the Aliens take that many steps forward.

  4. The Aliens keep asking Woody what the time is, until he answers, "It's round-up time!" – when he turns and chases the Aliens. The first Alien he catches becomes Woody and the game begins again.