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Common questions about carmellose sodium eye drops - Brand names: Celluvisc, Carmize, Optive

How do carmellose sodium eye drops work?

Carmellose sodium eye drops work as a lubricant to treat dry eyes.

They work as artificial tears to help keep the surface of your eyes lubricated and moist.

When will I feel better?

You should start to feel the benefits of carmellose sodium eye drops straight away. However, it can take several weeks of using them regularly before you feel the full benefits.

Speak to a pharmacist or doctor if you still have symptoms after 4 to 6 weeks of using them regularly. They may recommend that you try different eye drops or an eye gel or ointment. See a doctor if you still have dry eyes after trying different medicines.

It's important to get the right treatment. If not treated properly, having dry eyes could eventually damage the surface of your eyes.

Are there any long-term side effects?

It's safe to use carmellose sodium eye drops for as long as you need to.

How do carmellose sodium eye drops compare with other medicines for dry eyes?

There are many different causes of dry eyes and people can have many different symptoms.

You may have to try a few different treatments, or a combination of treatments, until you find what works well for you.

There are many different lubricant eye drops that work like artificial tears to treat dry eyes available to buy from pharmacies or shops.

These all moisturise the eye in a similar way to carmellose sodium but you may find that a different lubricant eye drop works better for you. You could also try a lubricating eye gel or eye ointment. Some people use eye drops during the day and an eye ointment at night.

Some lubricant eye drops also form a protective layer that helps to stop your tears drying too quickly (evaporating). These may help if your dry eyes are mainly caused by too much evaporation of your tears. Ask your doctor, pharmacist or optometrist for advice about these eye drops.

If your symptoms do not get better after trying 1 or 2 different brands of eye drops, speak to your doctor, optometrist or pharmacist for advice.

It's important to get the right treatment, because if not treated properly, having dry eyes could eventually damage the surface of your eyes.

Will carmellose sodium eye drops affect my contraception?

Carmellose sodium eye drops do not affect any type of contraception, including the combined pill and emergency contraception.

Can I drive or ride a bike?

You may have blurred vision after you’ve just put the drops in. This should clear quickly. Do not drive a car, ride a bike, or use tools or operate machinery until you can see clearly again.

Can I drink alcohol while using carmellose sodium eye drops?

Alcohol does not affect carmellose sodium eye drops. But drinking too much alcohol can cause dehydration, which can lead to dry eyes.

Is there any food or drink I need to avoid?

You can eat and drink normally while using carmellose sodium eye drops.

Is there any lifestyle advice to help with dry eyes?

To prevent your eyes getting dry, it can help to:

  • take breaks to rest your eyes when using a computer screen
  • make sure your computer screen is at eye level, so you do not strain your eyes
  • blink regularly (ask your doctor or eye specialist for advice on blinking exercises if you need them)
  • turn your heating down or use a humidifier to stop the air getting dry
  • wear sunglasses or glasses to protect your eyes when out in a hot, dry environment
  • get plenty of sleep to rest your eyes
  • take out contact lenses if you wear them and wear glasses to rest your eyes
  • use gentle make-up removers and do not scrub at your eyelids – also replace your mascara regularly
  • do not drink more than the recommended amount of alcohol
  • stop smoking and avoid smoky, dry or dusty places
  • avoid spending too long in air-conditioned or heated rooms

It's also very important to keep your eyelids clean. Wipes, pads or rinses are available to buy from pharmacies, or you can simply use warm water.

Keep your eyelids clean by:

  • soaking a flannel in warm water (not hot) and gently pressing it on the area around your eyes – this makes the oil produced by the glands around your eyes more runny
  • gently massaging your eyelids with your finger or a cotton bud – this pushes the oils out of the glands
  • soaking cotton wool in warm water (not hot) and gently wiping away any oil, crusts, bacteria, dust or dirt that might have built up

Page last reviewed: 8 July 2024
Next review due: 8 July 2027

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