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Pregnancy, breastfeeding and fertility while using carmellose sodium eye drops - Brand names: Celluvisc, Carmize, Optive

Carmellose sodium eye drops and pregnancy

Carmellose sodium eye drops are safe to use if you're pregnant.

They have been used for many years with no reported problems.

Carmellose sodium eye drops and breastfeeding

It's OK to use carmellose sodium eye drops while breastfeeding.

They have been used for many years while breastfeeding with no reported problems.

Carmellose sodium is not thought to pass into breast milk, or cause any side effects in breastfed babies.

Carmellose sodium eye drops and fertility

There's no evidence to suggest that carmellose sodium eye drops reduce fertility in either men or women.

Page last reviewed: 8 July 2024
Next review due: 8 July 2027

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