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Pregnancy, breastfeeding and fertility while taking cinnarizine - Brand name: Stugeron

Cinnarizine and pregnancy

Cinnarizine is not usually recommended during pregnancy. Speak to your doctor or pharmacist about more suitable options.

Cinnarizine and breastfeeding

If your doctor or health visitor says your baby is healthy, you can take cinnarizine while breastfeeding.

It is not known how much cinnarizine gets into breast milk. It is also a drowsy antihistamine, so it is better to take occasional doses or only take it for a short time, as it may also make your baby sleepy too.

If you're breastfeeding or planning to breastfeed, talk to your doctor or pharmacist as other medicines might be better while breastfeeding.

If your baby is not feeding as well as usual, seems unusually sleepy, seems irritable, or has a dry mouth, or if you have any other concerns about your baby, talk to your doctor, pharmacist, health visitor or midwife.

Cinnarizine and fertility

There's no evidence to suggest that taking cinnarizine will reduce fertility in either men or women.

Non-urgent advice: Tell your doctor if you're:

  • trying to get pregnant
  • pregnant
  • breastfeeding

Page last reviewed: 5 October 2022
Next review due: 5 October 2025

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