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Common questions about dexamethasone eye drops - Brand names: Dexafree, Dropodex, Eythalm, Maxidex

How do dexamethasone eye drops work?

Dexamethasone eye drops are a steroid (corticosteroid) medicine. Steroids closely copy the effects of natural hormones produced in your adrenal glands. These sit on top of your kidneys.

Dexamethasone works on your immune system to reduce the symptoms of inflammatory conditions and allergic reactions such as swelling, redness and itching.

When will I feel better?

Your eye symptoms should start to improve quickly within a few days. Tell your doctor if you do not feel better after 7 days.

Are there any long-term side effects?

Once your condition has settled down, your doctor will generally recommend that you stop using this medicine.

If you have been using dexamethasone eye drops for a long time, your doctor may advise you to gradually reduce the amount you use before stopping completely.

Using dexamethasone continuously for a long time can increase the risk of side effects.

What will happen if I stop using it?

If you've been using the drops for more than a few weeks, your doctor may tell you to use them less often before you stop completely. This is to reduce the chances of your condition coming back.

Talk to your doctor if your symptoms come back after you have stopped using dexamethasone eye drops.

What are dexamethasone eye drops combined with an antibiotic used for?

Dexamethasone can be combined with an antibiotic as eye drops, eye ointment, ear drops or ear spray.

They're usually prescribed if you have eye inflammation and your eye could become infected.

The eye drops and eye ointment are not usually used to treat an eye infection but the antibiotic is to prevent infection, for example while the eye heals after injury or surgery.

Dexamethasone ear drops and ear spray are often used for inflammation in the ear canal (outer ear) which may be infected, for example eczema in the ear or “swimmer's ear.”

Can dexamethasone eye drops be used in the ear?

It is safe to use dexamethasone eye drops in the ear but only use them in the ear if advised by a doctor.

Will it affect my contraception?

Dexamethasone eye drops do not stop any type of contraception from working, including the combined pill or emergency contraception.

Can I drive or ride a bike?

For most people, using dexamethasone eye drops will not affect their ability to drive a car or cycle. However, it might help to wait 15 minutes after using the eye drops so that your vision returns to normal.

The eye drops can sometimes make your eyesight blurred or cloudy. If this happens to you, do not drive a car, ride a bike, or use tools or machinery until you feel well and you can see clearly again.

It's an offence to drive a car if your ability to drive safely is affected. It's your responsibility to decide if it's safe to drive. If you're in any doubt, do not drive.

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you're unsure whether it's safe for you to drive while using dexamethasone eye drops. GOV.UK has more information on the law on drugs and driving.

Can I drink alcohol while using dexamethasone eye drops?

Yes, you can drink alcohol while using dexamethasone eye drops.

Is there any food or drink I need to avoid?

No, you can eat and drink normally while using dexamethasone eye drops.

Page last reviewed: 21 July 2022
Next review due: 21 July 2025

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