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Common questions about docusate - Brand names: Dulcoease, Dioctyl, Docusol, Norgalax

How does docusate work?

Docusate helps to soften your poo by increasing the amount of water in it. This makes it easier for you to go to the toilet.

Docusate also stimulates the muscles that line your gut, helping your body to move poo along your bowel to your anus.

When will I feel better?

Docusate capsules and liquid normally take 1 to 3 days to work. The enema usually works after 5 to 20 minutes, so it's best to stay close to a toilet.

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you're still constipated after a week.

Are there any long-term side effects?

Using laxatives like docusate for a long time can lead to long-term diarrhoea which can cause levels of salts and minerals like sodium, potassium and magnesium in your body to get too low (called an electrolyte imbalance).

This can cause serious health problems such as muscle spasms and twitching, and even fits or seizures.

Try to only use laxatives occasionally and for a few days at a time.

Using docusate for many weeks, even months, could also stop your bowel working properly on its own.

Can I take different laxatives together?

For most people, 1 laxative is enough to stop constipation.

Occasionally, you may need to take 2 different types of laxatives at the same time to get your bowels moving again.

Only take 2 laxatives together on the advice of your doctor or pharmacist as there is an increased risk of side effects.

Are there other laxatives I can try?

There are other types of laxatives. They work in a different way to docusate but are just as good at treating constipation. Which one works best for you will depend on how hard the poo is or how difficult it is to push the poo out.

Fybogel is a bulk-forming laxative. That means it increases the weight of poo which can start a bowel movement. They take 2 or 3 days to work.

Osmotic laxatives, like lactulose, work by drawing water from the rest of the body into your bowel. This softens your poo and makes it easier to go to the toilet. They take at least 2 days to work.

Stimulant laxatives, such as senna and bisacodyl, work by helping the muscles that line your gut to move poo along. Senna takes about 8 hours to work.

Will it affect my contraception?

Docusate does not affect any type of contraception, including the combined pill, progestogen-only pill and emergency contraception.

However, if docusate causes severe diarrhoea, your contraceptive pills may not protect you from pregnancy. Look on the pill packet to find out what to do.

Find out more:

Can I drive or ride a bike?

Yes, you can ride a bike or drive while taking or using docusate.

Can I drink alcohol while taking or using docusate?

Yes, you can drink alcohol with docusate.

Is there any food or drink I need to avoid?

You can eat and drink normally while taking or using docusate.

It might be a good idea to stop eating foods like pastries, puddings, sweets, cheese and cake for a while as these foods can make constipation worse.

Can lifestyle changes help constipation?

It's often possible to improve constipation without using laxatives.

Before trying docusate, or to stop constipation coming back, it may help to:

  • eat more fibre – aim for about 30g of fibre a day. High-fibre foods include fruit, vegetables and cereals. If you're not used to a high-fibre diet, increase the amount of fibre you eat gradually
  • add bulking agents, such as wheat bran, to your diet. These will help make your poo softer and easier to pass (although bran and fibre can sometimes make bloating worse)
  • drink plenty of water – to keep poo soft
  • exercise regularly – keeping your body active will help to keep your gut moving

Page last reviewed: 10 May 2024
Next review due: 10 May 2027

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