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Common questions about ezetimibe - Brand name: Ezetrol

How does ezetimibe work?

Cholesterol is a fatty substance in your blood that can block your blood vessels if levels become too high. This can make you more likely to have heart problems or a stroke.

Ezetimibe works by reducing the amount of cholesterol your body takes in from your food.

It's usually prescribed alongside a cholesterol-lowering diet.

Ezetimibe can often be prescribed together with a statin to further lower your cholesterol levels.

When will I feel better?

You may not have symptoms of high cholesterol, so you may not feel any different, but this does not mean the medicine is not working. If you take your medicine as prescribed, your cholesterol levels should drop within 2 weeks.

What happens if I stop taking it?

If you stop taking ezetimibe without starting a different treatment, your cholesterol levels may go up again.

Talk to a doctor if you're thinking about stopping this medicine.

How does it compare with similar medicines for lowering cholesterol?

There are other types of medicines that can help lower cholesterol.

Statins are the most commonly prescribed medicines. A doctor may decide to prescribe ezetimibe together with a statin. Statins include:

Other cholesterol-lowering medicines include bezafibrate (and other fibrates) and colestyramine. These are usually prescribed by a specialist.

Will ezetimibe affect my contraception?

Ezetimibe does not affect any type of contraception, including the combined pill, progestogen-only pill and emergency contraception.

However, if ezetimibe makes you have severe diarrhoea for more than 24 hours, your contraceptive pills may not protect you from pregnancy. Check the pill packet to find out what to do.

Find out more:

Can I drive or ride a bike?

Yes, you can drive or ride a bike while taking ezetimibe.

Can I drink alcohol while taking ezetimibe?

Yes, you can drink alcohol while taking ezetimibe.

Is there any food or drink I need to avoid?

You can eat and drink normally while taking ezetimibe.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet can help if you have high cholesterol.

Can lifestyle changes help lower my cholesterol?

There are lifestyle changes you can make that will help lower your cholesterol:

Page last reviewed: 1 March 2023
Next review due: 1 March 2026

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