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About gliclazide

Gliclazide is used to treat type 2 diabetes.

It's a medicine known as a sulfonylurea. Sulfonylureas increase the amount of insulin your pancreas makes. This lowers your blood sugar.

Type 2 diabetes is a condition where the body does not make enough insulin, or makes insulin that does not work properly. This causes high blood sugar (hyperglycaemia).

Gliclazide is available on prescription. It comes as standard and slow-release tablets.

Key facts

  • Gliclazide can sometimes make your blood sugar level too low (hypoglycaemia). This can affect your concentration. If this happens, do not drive, cycle or use machines or tools until you feel better. Carry some sweets or fruit juice with you to help when this happens.
  • Some people find that they put on weight when they take gliclazide. Try to eat a healthy, balanced diet to help with this.
  • You may not have had any symptoms of diabetes, so you may not feel any different when you take gliclazide. This does not mean that gliclazide is not working. It's important to keep taking it.
  • If you're going to have an operation, tell the doctor you're taking gliclazide. This is because it increases your risk of low blood sugar during the operation.
  • If you have diabetes, you can get free prescriptions for all your medicines, not just the diabetes ones. You will need to have a medical exemption certificate.

Page last reviewed: 24 March 2022
Next review due: 24 March 2025

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