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Side effects of Utrogestan

Like all medicines, Utrogestan can cause side effects, but it's common to have no side effects or only minor ones.

Side effects often improve as your body gets used to the medicine.

Some side effects may be caused by the oestrogen you'll also be taking. Check the leaflets that come with both your medicines.

Common side effects

There are things you can do to help cope with these common side effects of Utrogestan:

Changes in your periods, including spotting or bleeding between periods

This is common for the first 3 to 6 months after starting HRT, but usually settles down.

If you get heavy bleeding or unexpected bleeding after you've been taking HRT for 6 months, talk to your doctor.


Headaches usually only last for a few days after you start treatment as your body gets used to the medicine. Try taking a painkiller such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.

If headaches last longer than a week or are severe, speak to your doctor. You may need to change your dose or switch to a different type of progestogen.

Breast pain or tenderness

This usually improves after a few weeks as your body gets used to the medicine. Speak to a doctor if it bothers you or does not go away.

If you notice a lump or changes in your breasts after a few months of taking HRT, contact your doctor for advice.

Feeling tired or dizzy

Stop what you're doing and sit or lie down until you feel better. Do not drive, cycle or use tools or machinery if you're feeling tired or dizzy. Do not drink alcohol as it will make you feel worse.

Mood changes, including low mood or depression

Talk to your doctor if you have problems with mood changes and it does not improve. You may need to change your dose or switch to a different type of progestogen.

Other possible side effects may include:

Feeling sick (nausea)

Stick to simple meals and do not eat rich or spicy food. Speak to a doctor if it bothers you or does not go away.

Mild rash or itchy skin

This will usually only last for about a week as your body gets used to the medicine.

It may help to take an antihistamine which you can buy from a pharmacy. Check with the pharmacist to see what type is suitable for you.

If it does not go away after about a week, talk to your doctor, as you may need a different treatment.


Wash with a mild soap or cleanser and lukewarm water. Avoid using too much make-up and cosmetics. Speak to a pharmacist for advice about treating acne.

Speak to a pharmacist or doctor if the advice on how to cope does not help and a side effect is still bothering you or does not go away.

Serious side effects

Serious side effects from Utrogestan are rare.

Call a doctor or call 111 for advice now if you have:

  • pain, redness or swelling in one of your legs, usually in your calf – this could be a sign of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • yellowing of the whites of the eyes, or the skin although this may be less noticeable on brown or black skin – this could be a sign of liver problems

Speak to a GP if:

  • you have a lump or changes in your breasts, especially dimpling of the skin, changes in the nipple or any lumps you can see or feel – this could be a sign of breast cancer
  • you have any changes in vaginal bleeding after you have been taking Utrogestan for more than a few months – this could be a sign of womb cancer

It's important to attend your breast screening (mammogram) appointments while you're taking HRT.

Immediate action required: Call 999 or go to A&E now if:

  • you have pain in your chest and breathlessness – this could be a sign of a blood clot in your lungs (pulmonary embolism) or heart problems
  • you have difficulty speaking or moving your arm or leg, or your face has dropped on one side – this could be a sign of a stroke

Do not drive to A&E. Ask someone to drive you or call 999 and ask for an ambulance.

Bring all the medicines you take with you.

Serious allergic reaction

In rare cases, it's possible to have a serious allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to Utrogestan.

Immediate action required: Call 999 now if:

  • your lips, mouth, throat or tongue suddenly become swollen
  • you're breathing very fast or struggling to breathe (you may become very wheezy or feel like you're choking or gasping for air)
  • your throat feels tight or you're struggling to swallow
  • your skin, tongue or lips turn blue, grey or pale (if you have black or brown skin, this may be easier to see on the palms of your hands or soles of your feet)
  • you suddenly become very confused, drowsy or dizzy
  • someone faints and cannot be woken up
  • a child is limp, floppy or not responding like they normally do (their head may fall to the side, backwards or forwards, or they may find it difficult to lift their head or focus on your face)

You or the person who's unwell may also have a rash that's swollen, raised, itchy, blistered or peeling.

These can be signs of a serious allergic reaction and may need immediate treatment in hospital.


Do not drive yourself to A&E.

The person you speak to at 999 will give you advice about what to do.

Other side effects

These are not all the side effects of Utrogestan. For a full list see the leaflet inside your medicines packet.


Reporting side effects

You can report any suspected side effect using the Yellow Card safety scheme.

Visit the Yellow Card website for more information about reporting side effects.

Page last reviewed: 5 January 2023
Next review due: 5 January 2026

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