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Pregnancy, breastfeeding and fertility while using lidocaine skin cream - Brand names: Denela, EMLA, LMX4, Nulbia

Lidocaine skin cream and pregnancy

Lidocaine is considered safe to use during pregnancy.

Lidocaine skin cream and breastfeeding

Lidocaine is OK to use while breastfeeding. It is only likely to pass into breast milk in tiny amounts, which are very unlikely to cause side effects in your baby.

Always wash your hands after using a lidocaine treatment and before picking up your baby. Be careful to ensure lidocaine cream does not get onto your breast or nipple area. Wash it off thoroughly if it does and before feeding your baby.

Some lidocaine creams contain other ingredients such as prilocaine, which are also OK to use while breastfeeding. Always check the ingredients.

Ask a pharmacist for advice. They will be able to recommend the best treatment for you.

Lidocaine skin cream and fertility

There's no evidence that lidocaine skin cream affects fertility in either men or women.

Non-urgent advice: Tell your doctor if you're:

  • trying to get pregnant
  • pregnant
  • breastfeeding

Page last reviewed: 30 August 2022
Next review due: 30 August 2025

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