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About mirabegron - Brand name: Betmiga

Mirabegron is a medicine that eases the symptoms of an overactive bladder. It does not treat your condition.

It helps with symptoms such as:

  • a sudden and urgent need to pee (urinary urgency)
  • needing to pee more often than usual (urinary frequency)
  • wetting yourself if you cannot make it to the toilet in time (urinary incontinence)

Mirabegron works by relaxing the muscles around your bladder. This means your bladder can hold more liquid and you will not need to pee as often or as urgently.

This medicine is only available on prescription.

It comes as slow-release tablets (sometimes called modified release or prolonged release). This means the tablets release mirabegron slowly and evenly throughout the day.

Key facts

  • Mirabegron starts to work within a few hours but it can take several weeks to work fully.
  • You'll usually take mirabegron once a day.
  • Common side effects include urinary tract infections (UTIs) and a fast heartbeat.
  • Your doctor may recommend mirabegron if other medicines for overactive bladder have not helped or are not suitable for you.
  • You'll usually take this medicine long term to help keep your symptoms under control.

Page last reviewed: 21 July 2023
Next review due: 21 July 2026

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