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How and when to give paracetamol for children - Brand names: Calpol, Disprol, Hedex, Medinol, Panadol

Paracetamol tablets, syrup and suppositories come in a range of strengths. Children need to take a lower dose than adults, depending on their age and sometimes, weight.

Ask your doctor or a pharmacist for advice if your child is small or big for their age and you're not sure how much to give.

Dosage and strength

Syrup doses for children

Infant syrup (sometimes called "junior syrup") is for children under 6 years old. A 5ml dose contains 120mg of paracetamol.

Six plus (6+) syrup is for children aged 6 years and older. A 5ml dose contains 250mg of paracetamol.


Do not give your child more than 4 doses of paracetamol in 24 hours. Wait at least 4 hours between doses.

Doses for babies aged 2 months

If your baby is in pain or has a high temperature (including after having vaccinations), you can give them 1 dose of paracetamol syrup (or 1 suppository).

The usual dose is 2.5ml of infant syrup (or a 60mg suppository).

If your baby was premature, or they're small for their age, check with your doctor or health visitor. They may recommend a lower dose.

You can give your baby 1 more dose of syrup 4 hours later, if they need it. If they still have a high temperature after this, contact your doctor or speak to a pharmacist.

Infant syrup: 120mg/5ml

Dosage for infant syrup (strength 120mg/5ml) showing by age how much to give and how often
Age How much? How often?
3 to 5 months 2.5ml Max 4 times in 24 hours
6 to 23 months 5ml Max 4 times in 24 hours
2 to 3 years 7.5ml Max 4 times in 24 hours
4 to 5 years 10 ml Max 4 times in 24 hours

Six plus (6+) syrup: 250mg/5ml

Paracetamol 250mg/5ml syrup dosages for children by age, how much to give and how often
Age How much? How often?
6 to 7 years 5ml Max 4 times in 24 hours
8 to 9 years 7.5ml Max 4 times in 24 hours
10 to 11 years 10ml Max 4 times in 24 hours

Tablet doses for children

Tablets usually come as 500mg or 250mg (Calpol Fastmelts).


Do not give your child more than 4 doses of paracetamol in 24 hours. Wait at least 4 hours between doses.


Paracetamol tablet dosages for children by age, how much to give and how often
Age How much? How often?
6 to 7 years 250mg Max 4 times in 24 hours
8 to 9 years 375mg Max 4 times in 24 hours
10 to 11 years 500mg Max 4 times in 24 hours
12 to 15 years 750mg Max 4 times in 24 hours
16 to 17 years 1g Max 4 times in 24 hours

How to give paracetamol to your child

Paracetamol can be taken with or without food.


Shake the bottle well for at least 10 seconds and measure out the right amount using the plastic syringe or spoon that comes with the medicine. If you do not have a syringe or spoon, ask your pharmacist for one. Do not use a kitchen teaspoon as it will not measure the right amount.

If your child does not like the taste, you can give them a drink of milk or fruit juice straight after giving them the syrup.

Video: how to give medicine to a child using an oral syringe

This video describes how to give medicine to a child using an oral syringe.

Media last reviewed: 17 July 2022
Media review due: 17 July 2025


Tablets should be swallowed with a drink of water, milk or juice. Tell your child not to chew the tablet.

If your tablet is dissolvable (soluble), drop it into a drink of water and stir to make sure it has dissolved completely before giving it to your child to drink. Make sure your child drinks all the water mixture to get their full dose of paracetamol.

Calpol Fastmelts should not be swallowed – ask your child to let the tablet melt on their tongue.


Paracetamol suppositories are medicine that you push gently into your child's bottom.

Follow the instructions on the leaflet that comes with the medicine.

MenB vaccinations

Babies given the meningitis B vaccinations at 8 weeks and 16 weeks are likely to develop a high temperature within 24 hours. Because of this you can give babies from 2 months 3 doses of paracetamol (more than the usual recommended 2 doses).

Your health visitor may tell you to bring infant syrup to the vaccine appointment. Giving paracetamol as soon as possible after the vaccine will reduce the risk of your baby getting a high temperature.

The usual dose following the MenB vaccinations is:

  • 2.5ml as soon as possible after the vaccination
  • 2.5ml 4 to 6 hours after the first dose
  • 2.5ml 4 to 6 hours after the second dose

If your baby was premature, or they're small for their age, check with your doctor or health visitor before giving them paracetamol.

How often to give paracetamol

Do not give your child more than 4 doses of paracetamol in 24 hours. You can give it every 4 to 6 hours. Follow the instructions on the leaflet that comes with the medicine.

If your child is in pain, you can give them a dose of paracetamol every 6 hours for up to 3 days. This will help to relieve the pain safely without the risk of giving too much paracetamol. If you have any concerns about how much pain your child is in, contact your doctor straight away.

Never give paracetamol for longer than 3 days without speaking to a doctor.

If your child has a high temperature or a pain that comes and goes, give them a dose of paracetamol when they first complain of feeling unwell or feeling pain. Wait at least 4 to 6 hours before giving another dose. Do not give your child more than 4 doses in 24 hours.

If your child takes too much


If you give your child 1 extra dose of paracetamol, wait at least 24 hours before giving them any more.

Urgent advice: Contact 111 for advice now if:

  • your child takes 2 or more extra doses of paracetamol within 24 hours

They may need treatment.

Go to or call 111. Call 111 if you're asking about a child under the age of 5 years.


If you need to go to A&E, do not drive. Ask someone to drive you or call 999 and ask for an ambulance.

Bring the paracetamol packet or leaflet inside it, any remaining medicine, and any other medicines you take.

Page last reviewed: 15 June 2022
Next review due: 15 June 2025

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