If you talk to a health professional such as a GP about self-harm, they'll listen and discuss the best options for you. This could include self-help or support groups. They can also give you advice and treatment for minor injuries.
A GP may also offer you an assessment with a local community mental health team (CMHT).
This assessment is so the team can help you find the right treatment and support to reduce or stop your self-harm.
What happens during a self-harm assessment
During an assessment for self-harm, you may be asked about:
- what may have led to your self-harm
- how you feel afterwards
- your relationships and living arrangements
- anything you've tried to help reduce your self-harm
- any injuries that may need treatment
- whether you think you'll self-harm again
- whether you have thoughts of ending your life
- whether you're taking any medicines
- how much alcohol you drink or any drugs you're using
If an assessment suggests that support and treatment would be helpful, your care team will discuss the best options with you.
If the team does not feel that treatment is necessary, they can also offer advice on self-help or ways to manage the underlying causes.
Your care plan
After your assessment, your care team will develop a care plan with you. This will explain the type of support and treatment you need and how this will be provided.
The care offered will depend on what you need. It can include talking therapies and medicine that may help.
Talking therapy
Your care plan may include a talking therapy, which can be helpful after self-harm.
There are lots of different types of talking therapy, including:
- cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
- dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT)
All types of talking therapy involve working with a trained therapist who will keep your feelings and experiences confidential.
Therapy sessions may be face-to-face, online, over the phone, with your family, or with your partner.
Read more about types of talking therapy.
Your care team may suggest medicine as an option alongside talking therapy if you've been diagnosed with a condition such as depression or schizophrenia.
Your care team should give you emergency contact details in case you need to speak to them during or after your care.
Specialists involved in your care
During your assessment or treatment, the following health professionals may want to speak to you:
- a social worker
- an occupational therapist
- a counsellor – somebody trained in talking therapies
- a community mental health nurse – a nurse with specialist training in mental health conditions
- a psychiatrist – a qualified medical doctor with further training in treating mental health conditions
- a psychologist or psychological therapist – a health professional who specialises in the assessment and treatment of mental health conditions by helping you talk and express your feelings
You may see other specialists if your care team thinks it could help to address an underlying cause of your self-harm.
For example, you may be referred to:
- a specialist bereavement counsellor for help coping with bereavement
- someone trained in dealing with victims of sexual assault or domestic abuse
- a specialist in eating disorders if you have anorexia nervosa or bulimia
You may also be recommended a self-help group, such as:
- Alcoholics Anonymous if you're misusing alcohol
- Narcotics Anonymous if you're using drugs