Package name | License type and link |
Androidx |
Browser |
Compose |
activity-compose |
navigation-compose |
compose.ui |
compose.material3 |
core-ktx |
core-splashscreen |
test.espresso |
kotlinx-coroutines-test |
preference-ktx |
| |
| |
espresso-accessibility |
appcompat |
lifecycle-runtime-ktx |
Package name | License type and link |
okhttp3 |
junit |
google.accompanist |
ktor-server-core |
ktor-server-netty |
google.code.gson |
| |
| |
Mockk |
mindrot:jbcrypt |
jwtdecode |
robolectric |
iProov |
Package name | License type and link |
Xcode 16.0 |
macOS 14.6.1 |
Swift / SwiftUI |
Package name | License type and link |
iProov |
OpenAPI Generator |
AnyCodable 0.6.7 |
CocoaAsyncSocket 7.6.5 |
HTTPParserC 2.9.4 |
SwiftyJSON 5.0.2 |
SwiftLint 0.53.0 |
Fido Client 1.0 |
Telegraph 0.30.0 |
Package name | License type and link |
axios |
babel-jest |
chart.js |
chartjs-adapter-date-fns |
core-js |
date-fns |
deepmerge |
focus-trap |
jwt-decode |
linkify-it |
lodash |
mime |
minimist |
moment-timezone |
moment |
sanitize-filename |
semver |
serve |
swagger-node-codegen |
url-polyfill |
uuid |
vm-browserify |
vue-chartjs |
vue-cookies |
vue-i18n |
vue-meta |
vue-router |
vue-scrollto |
vue |
vuex |
webpack |
Package name | License type and link |
AutoFixture |
AutoFixture.AutoMoq |
CorrelationId |
coverlet.msbuild |
CsvHelper |
FluentAssertions |
GeoCoordinate.NetCore |
Hl7.Fhir.STU3 |
HtmlAgilityPack |
HtmlToOpenXml.dll |
jose-jwt |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning |
Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.Core |
Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs |
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration |
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection |
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging |
Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk |
Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk |
MongoDB.Driver |
Moq |
MSTest.TestAdapter |
MSTest.TestFramework |
Newtonsoft.Json |
NJsonSchema |
Novell.Directory.Ldap.NETStandard |
Open-XML-SDK |
Portable.BouncyCastle |
ReportGenerator |
RichardSzalay.MockHttp |
System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt |
System.Security.Cryptography.Xml |
Wkhtmltopdf.NetCore |
YamlDotNet |
Yisoft.AspNetCore.Configuration.Yaml |
FIDO Universal Authentication Framework (UAF) clients
We believe in working in the open and we are committed to the open source community. We have shared our FIDO UAF clients for use under an MIT licence: