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How to find an NHS dentist

You can contact any NHS dentist and ask for an appointment if you have symptoms or need a routine check-up.

Some dental practices offer both NHS and private appointments. Ask for an NHS appointment.

You may be asked to join a waiting list before you can get a dental appointment. At your first visit, you may be asked to fill out a form to register with the dental practice, but this does not mean you'll always be able to get NHS dental care at the same dental practice in the future.


Most adults need to pay for NHS dental appointments.

Find out more about NHS dental charges.

If you cannot get an NHS dental appointment

You may find it difficult to find a local dentist that's offering NHS appointments.

If you’re unable to find an NHS dentist, you can contact your local integrated care board (ICB). Your local ICB manages dental services in your area and may be able to tell you where you can get a local dental appointment.

Dental treatment for people with additional needs

If you or someone you care for has additional or special care needs, you should be able to get NHS dental care from a general dental practice.

If you need specialised treatment, your dental healthcare professional may refer you to Special Care Dentistry.

Get an emergency dental appointment

Find out how to find a dentist in an emergency or out of hours

Page last reviewed: 6 February 2025
Next review due: 6 February 2028