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Hospital referrals and appointments

Referral appointments

You can manage your referral if you were referred through the NHS e-Referral service. You can book, view, reschedule and cancel your first appointment. To manage your referral, go to

You can only manage your first referral appointment in the NHS App. If you want to manage any further appointments for an existing referral, you need to do this with the healthcare provider you have been referred to.

To view or manage appointments in the NHS App you need to be 16 or over.

Booking your appointment

You can book your referral appointment in the NHS App or while logged in through the NHS website:

  1. Either go to the homepage or Your health.
  2. Select Upcoming and past appointments.
  3. Select Hospital referrals and appointments.
  4. Select the referral you need to choose an appointment for.
  5. Select a clinic from the available options.
  6. Select an appointment from the available options.
  7. Check the details are correct and select Book appointment.
Rescheduling your appointment

You can reschedule your referral appointment in the NHS App or while logged in through the NHS website:

  1. Go to the homepage or Your health.
  2. Select Upcoming and past appointments.
  3. Select Hospital referrals and appointments.
  4. Select the appointment you want to reschedule.
  5. Select Ask to reschedule appointment.
  6. Choose a new date and time for your appointment.
  7. Select why you need to reschedule.
  8. Review your request and submit request to reschedule.
Cancelling your appointment

If you request to cancel an appointment you may not be able to change your mind. Depending on your healthcare provider they may remove you from the waiting list for care. If this happens and you then decide you want an appointment. You will need a new referral from your healthcare provider.

You can cancel your referral appointment in the NHS App or while logged in through the NHS website:

  1. Go to the homepage or Your health.
  2. Select Upcoming and past appointments.
  3. Select Hospital referrals and appointments.
  4. Select the appointment you want to cancel.
  5. Select Ask to cancel appointment.
  6. Select why you need to cancel.
  7. Review your request and request cancellation.

Missing or incorrect information

Cancelled referrals

If you can still see a referral you cancelled in the app. Contact the healthcare provider that referred you.

Rescheduled or cancelled appointments

If you request to reschedule or cancel an appointment your healthcare provider may review the request.

Whilst your healthcare provider is reviewing your request the appointment will show as pending.

If they do not accept your request the appointment will stay as booked in your appointments.

If they do accept your request it will either show the rescheduled time or as cancelled in your appointments.

Missing referrals and appointments

Some healthcare providers do not share referral and appointment information in the NHS App.

If your healthcare provider has contacted you about an appointment that is not showing in the app. This appointment is still scheduled and you should attend your upcoming appointment.

It can take a few days for upcoming or past appointments to be visible in the app. For any missing information that is not in the app go to your healthcare provider.

Missing waiting lists

Some healthcare providers do not provide their waiting list data.

If your referral is not showing in the app, this could take a few weeks to be visible.

If your treatment date is unavailable, it means the app is currently unable to estimate this data. You are still on a waiting list.

Page last reviewed: 6 December 2023
Next review due: 6 June 2025