Certain groups of people are entitled to help with the cost of repairing or replacing their glasses or contact lenses.
To qualify for help with the cost of repair or replacement, your glasses or contact lenses must not be covered by a warranty, insurance or after-sales service.
Children under 16 are entitled to an NHS optical repair or replacement voucher. This voucher helps towards the cost of replacing or repairing your child's glasses or contact lenses if they lose or damage them.
If you're 16 or over, you're only entitled to help with repair or replacement costs if both of the following apply to you:
- you're eligible for an NHS optical voucher
- you have an illness that caused the loss of or damage to your glasses or contact lenses
Before your ophthalmic practitioner or optometrist (both are qualified to carry out eye tests) can issue an NHS optical voucher to help with repair or replacement costs, it must be agreed that the loss or damage was caused by illness. For more information ask your optician.
What is the value of an NHS optical voucher?
The value of your voucher will depend on which part of your glasses needs to be repaired or replaced. This could be:
- one lens
- both lenses
- the front of the frame
- the side of the frame
- the whole frame
Your optician can tell you how much your NHS optical voucher is worth.
Getting advice
Your ophthalmic practitioner can tell you whether you qualify for financial help with the repair or replacement of your glasses, and give you a voucher if you're entitled to one.
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