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Privacy policy: Calculate body mass index (BMI) for children and teenagers

This privacy policy for Calculate BMI for children and teenagers explains:

  • why we collect information about you / your child (we call this "personal data")
  • what we do with it, including if and who we share it with
  • how long we keep it for and where we store it
  • our legal basis for using it
  • what your data protection rights are

Find out more about how NHS England uses personal data to improve health and care

About Calculate BMI for children and teenagers

NHS England are responsible for Calculate BMI for children and teenagers.

This self-assessment calculator provides body mass index (BMI) and the corresponding BMI-for-age percentile based on a hybrid of two data sets: the British 1990 or UK 1990 data set and the World Health Organisation (WHO) data set for people aged 2 to 17 years old.

This calculator is not meant to act as a source of clinical guidance and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.

This calculator is to be used in the UK and by adults on behalf of children.

The tool is registered with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) as a Class I medical device.

Calculate BMI for children and teenagers is responsible for:

  • validating the data entered by the user to give them a BMI result displayed as a percentile
  • providing content on BMI and weight management

Our role

Under data protection law, NHS England is the controller for Calculate BMI for children and teenagers. This means that we make decisions about what personal data we need to collect, and how we will use your data to provide this service.

What data we use

To calculate the BMI result, we process the following data.

This data is not stored anywhere but within the user's browser session, and will be removed once the browser is closed.

Data processing
Data Reason for processing

Date of birth

To verify a child's age to ensure correct use of the tool and to enable calculation of BMI result.


Sex is needed to work out the BMI of anyone under 18 years old. This is because there are different growth charts for females and males.


Part of a BMI calculation.


Part of a BMI calculation.

Measurement date

For a correct calculation. BMI for children and teenagers can change depending on when they were measured.

How we use your data

We use your data to calculate the BMI result. We do not store your data (data is stored within the user's session).

Our legal basis

Data protection law requires NHS England to have a legal basis before we can use your personal data. We do not use your data other than to give you a BMI result.

Who we share data with

Calculate BMI for children and teenagers does not share data.

How long we keep data for

Calculate BMI for children and teenagers does not store data (data is stored within the user's session) and does not have a retention period.

Where we store data

We do not store data externally.

Your data protection rights

Under data protection law, you have the following rights over your data.

Data protection rights
Your right What it means

Be informed

You have the right to be told how and why we are using your personal data. We have published this privacy policy to provide you with this information.

Get copies of your data

You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal data (right of access). For more information, see how to make a subject access request.

Correct your data

You have the right to ask us to correct (rectify) your personal data if you think it is inaccurate or incomplete.

Limit how we use your data

You have the right to ask us to limit the way we use your personal data (restrict processing) in certain circumstances.

Object to how we use your data

You have the right to object to how we use your data in certain circumstances.

Your rights

You can exercise your rights by contacting NHS England's Data Protection Officer at

Changes to the policy

We may make changes to this policy. If changes are made, the review date on this page will also change. Any changes to this policy will apply immediately from the date of any change.

Page last reviewed: 11 September 2024
Next review due: 11 September 2027