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Find out about tongue-tie, including symptoms and treatments.
Teeth whitening
Find out about teeth whitening including who can perform it, what the procedure involves and what the risks are.
Find out about styes, including what causes them, what you can do to treat them and when to see a GP.
Braces and orthodontics
Find out about braces and orthodontics, including how much they cost on the NHS or privately, and how to care for your teeth while wearing braces.
La Bomba dance exercise video
Boost your mood and your fitness levels with this fun dance-based home workout video from the NHS Fitness Studio, where you can find a range of workout routines to suit you, whether your aim is to lose weight, improve your overall fitness, or de-stress.
Children's teeth
Find out how to look after children's teeth, including advice on brushing, toothpaste, establishing a routine and taking a child to the dentist for the first time.
Fitness advice for wheelchair users
Cardiovascular and muscle-strengthening exercise and fitness for wheelchair users. Wheelchair sport and gym exercises for wheelchair users.
Internal (female) condoms
Find out how to use internal condoms, sometimes called female condoms, to help prevent pregnancy and reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Stretch marks in pregnancy
Find out what causes stretch marks in pregnancy, when they happen, what they look like, and who might be likely to get them.
The vegetarian diet
A guide to help vegetarians eat a balanced diet with plenty of nutrients, including sources of iron, vitamin B12 and omega-3.