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Search results for the first days with your baby

  • Breastfeeding: the first few days

    Find out what to expect from breastfeeding in the first few days after birth, including what colostrum is, what happens when your milk 'comes in' and what the let-down reflex feels like.

  • Caring for a newborn baby

    How to look after a newborn baby in those first few days (0 to 12 weeks).

  • Getting to know your newborn

    What to expect in the first few days after birth, including your baby's appearance, birthmarks, tests and fontanelles.

  • Pregnancy due date calculator

    Use the pregnancy due date calculator to work out roughly when your baby is due to be born, working from the first day of your last period.

  • Early days

    What to expect in the first few weeks after your baby's birth, including checks, feeding and poo.