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What is weight loss surgery?
Read a short summary of the key facts about weight loss surgery.
Recovering from weight loss surgery
Recovering from weight loss surgery can take several weeks. Find out about things you should do after recovery.
Preparing for weight loss surgery
Find out how to prepare for weight loss surgery to make sure the operation and recovery goes well.
How weight loss surgery is done
Find out about the different types of weight loss surgery and how they are done.
Complications of weight loss surgery
Find out about the main complications of weight loss surgery, what to do if they happen and how they can be treated.
Surgery and procedures for urinary incontinence
Read about surgical procedures for urinary incontinence, which may be recommended if other treatments are unsuccessful or unsuitable.
Squint - Surgery
Find out what squint surgery involves, including what happens before and after the procedure, and what the risks are.
Plastic surgery - How it's performed
Plastic surgery can involve a number of different techniques to move and manipulate body tissue.
Lumbar decompression surgery - When it's used
Lumbar decompression surgery is usually only considered if non-surgical treatments for your lower spine haven't worked and symptoms are affecting your quality of life.
Lumbar decompression surgery - How it's performed
If you and your consultant decide you could benefit from lumbar decompression surgery, you'll be put on a waiting list. Your doctor or surgeon should be able to tell you how long you're likely to have to wait.