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Angiography - What happens
Find out about preparing for angiography, and what happens during and after the procedure.
Baby and toddler play ideas
Simple ways for children to be creative, including playing with water, reading books, rattles, play dough, drawing and painting, dressing up and making models.
20-week scan
Find out more about the 20-week screening scan (also called the anomaly scan), which looks for 11 different conditions in your baby. Find out how to get it, what happens during the test and when you get the results.
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You and your baby at 30 weeks pregnant
What's happening at 30 weeks of pregnancy, including baby's development and preparing for the birth.
You and your baby at 20 weeks pregnant
Your baby's development and things to think about at 20 weeks of pregnancy, including feelings and worries, common problems in pregnancy, your anomaly scan and what happens if antenatal screening finds something.
NHS App privacy policy: personal health record services - Version 2 - 30 March 2022
NHS App privacy policy: online consultation services - Version 3 - 30 March 2023
Whooping cough vaccination in pregnancy
The whooping cough vaccination is recommended for all pregnant women, ideally at 20 weeks pregnant. Find out how this vaccine may help protect your baby's health.
Weight gain in pregnancy
Weight gain in pregnancy varies greatly. Most pregnant women gain between 10kg and 12.5kg (22lb to 28lb), putting on most of the weight after week 20.