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Premature labour and birth
Find out about premature labour and birth (before 37 weeks of pregnancy), and what you might expect if it happens.
How and when to take short-acting insulin
NHS medicines information on dosage for short-acting insulin, how to take it and what to do if you miss a dose or take too much.
How and when to take rapid-acting insulin
NHS medicines information on dosage for rapid-acting insulin, how to take it and what to do if you miss a dose or take too much.
How and when to take long-acting insulin
NHS medicines information on dosage for long-acting insulin, how to take it and what to do if you miss a dose or take too much.
How and when to take intermediate-acting insulin
NHS medicines information on dosage for intermediate-acting insulin, how to take it and what to do if you miss a dose or take too much.
How and when to take biphasic insulin
NHS medicines information on dosage for biphasic insulin, how to take it and what to do if you miss a dose or take too much.