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You and your baby at 5 weeks pregnant
Find out what's happening at 5 weeks of pregnancy, including embryo development.
5 steps to mental wellbeing
Read about 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing.
5 lifestyle tips for a healthy tummy
5 lifestyle tips for getting rid of digestive problems. Includes advice on beating stress, eating better, losing weight, stopping smoking and binge drinking.
Why 5 A Day?
Evidence shows there are significant health benefits to getting at least five 80g portions of fruit and vegetables every day.
5 A Day portion sizes
5 A Day fruit and vegetable portion sizes, including fresh, dried and canned fruit; fresh, cooked, salad and frozen vegetables; beans and pulses; and juice and smoothies.
5 A Day: what counts?
What counts and what doesn't count towards your 5 A Day, including fresh, frozen, tinned and dried fruit and veg, fruit juice and smoothies.
Physical activity guidelines for children and young people
Find out how much physical activity children and young people aged 5 to 18 need to do to keep healthy.
How to take the emergency contraceptive pill (morning after pill)
You need to take the emergency pill (morning after pill) within 3 days or 5 days after sex, depending on the type.
How and when to use timolol eye drops
NHS medicines information on dosage for timolol eye drops, how to use them and what to do if you miss a dose or use too much.
Common questions about tadalafil