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  • Communicating with someone with dementia

    Advice on how to encourage communication with people with dementia, including body language and physical contact, and active listening.

  • Is your baby or toddler seriously ill?

    How to recognise warning signs of serious illness in children under 5, such as cold hands and feet, rapid breathing, or mottled skin. Plus, advice on when to call an ambulance or take your child to A&E.

  • How to take your baby's temperature

    Find out about what to do if you're worried your baby has a high temperature, including the best way to take their temperature and when to call a GP or 111.

  • Scabies

    Find out about scabies, including symptoms, causes and treatments.

  • Pubic lice

    Find out about pubic lice, including what they look like, how you get them, symptoms, when to get medical advice, treatment and complications.

  • Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)

    Find out about the symptoms of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), how to lower your risk of catching it and what to do if you think you might have it.

  • Long-sightedness

    Find out about long-sightedness, what the symptoms are, what tests you can have, how it is treated, and what causes it.

  • Knee pain

    Sudden knee pain is often caused by overusing the knee or injuring it. Find out what you can do to treat it yourself and when to get medical help.

  • Head lice and nits

    Find out how to spot head lice, how to get rid of them and how they spread.

  • Ebola virus disease

    Find out more about Ebola virus disease, a serious infection usually found in certain parts of Africa.