Search results for mood
Menopause - Things you can do
Find out what you can do to help reduce menopause and perimenopause symptoms, including how to stay healthy and how to ease hot flushes.
Other conditions that affect autistic people
Find out about some of the conditions that often affect autistic people, such as ADHD and learning disabilities.
Moving from children's social care to adults' social care - Social care and support guide
As disabled young people reach the age of 18, a different team will take over any care services (transitioning).
Is a cosmetic procedure right for me?
Having a cosmetic procedure is a big decision. There's a lot to think about, so it's important not to rush into anything.
Keeping fit and healthy with a baby
Read more about exercising and healthy eating after giving birth, including ideas for staying fit with a baby and easy ways for new parents to eat more healthily. Also, tips for parents on stopping smoking.
Mental health
Find information and support for your mental health.
Mental health services
Find out how to access NHS mental health services and where to get urgent help.
Social care, mental health and your rights
Find information about social care support, how to access mental health and physical health assessments, and your rights under the law.
Mental health conditions
Find information and support for your mental health.
Mental health for children, teenagers and young adults
Find out where to get mental health support for children and young people, including advice for parents.