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Who can and cannot take or use ciprofloxacin
NHS medicines information on who can take or use ciprofloxacin and who may not be able to take or use it.
Side effects of cinnarizine
NHS medicines information on side effects of cinnarizine and what you can do to cope.
Who can and cannot take carbamazepine
NHS medicines information on who can take carbamazepine and who may not be able to take it.
Who can and cannot use betamethasone for eyes, ears and nose
NHS medicines information on who can use betamethasone for eyes, ears and nose, and who may not be able to use it.
Who can and cannot use beclometasone skin cream
NHS medicines information on who can use beclometasone skin cream and who may not be able to use it.
Who can and cannot take baclofen
NHS medicines information on who can take baclofen and who may not be able to take it.
Side effects of adalimumab
NHS medicines information on side effects of adalimumab and what you can do to cope.
Fitness advice for wheelchair users
Cardiovascular and muscle-strengthening exercise and fitness for wheelchair users. Wheelchair sport and gym exercises for wheelchair users.
Side effects and risks of hormonal contraception
Find out about the side effects and risks of hormonal contraception, including the vaginal ring, contraceptive pill, patch, implant and injection.
Congenital heart disease in pregnancy
Find out about the risks of congenital heart disease in pregnancy, and where to get support.