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Benefits if you're under State Pension age - Social care and support guide
Find out what benefits you're entitled to if you're under State Pension age and have a disability or illness.
Benefits if you're over State Pension age - Social care and support guide
Find out what benefits you're entitled to if you're over State Pension age and have a disability or illness.
Mental Capacity Act - Social care and support guide
Find out what the Mental Capacity Act is and what it means for you.
Someone to speak up for you (advocate) - Social care and support guide
Find someone who can sit with you in assessments, speak up for you and help you fill in forms.
Social care telephone helplines and forums - Social care and support guide
Speak to someone about social care and support.
Getting a care needs assessment - Social care and support guide
How to get assessed by your local council to see what type of care you need.
Financial assessment (means test) for social care - Social care and support guide
A financial assessment (also known as a means test) is an assessment to decide if your council will pay towards your care and support.
Care and support plans - Social care and support guide
This is a document written by your council and describes the care and support you need.
Abuse and neglect of adults at risk (safeguarding) - Social care and support guide
Find out what to do if you or someone you know is being abused or neglected.
How to deal with challenging behaviour in children - Social care and support guide
Read some tips on how to deal with challenging behaviour in children.