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  • Toothache

    NHS information about the causes of toothache, when to see a dentist, and how toothache can be relieved and prevented.

  • Tooth decay

    Find out about tooth decay, including the symptoms, when to see a dentist, how it’s treated and how it can be prevented.

  • Tonsillitis

    Find out about tonsillitis, which is when the tonsils at the sides of your throat become swollen due to a viral or bacterial infection. Find out about causes and treatments.

  • Tiredness and fatigue

    Find out about some of the common causes of tiredness and fatigue, treatments and things you can do to help, plus when to get medical advice.

  • Tinnitus

    Find out about tinnitus (hearing ringing or buzzing), including what you can do to help you cope with it and when to get medical help.

  • Tics

    Tics are unintentional, fast and repetitive muscle movements. Find out how long they last, when to get medical advice and how they can be treated.

  • Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE)

    Find out about tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), a viral infection spread to humans by the bite of a small spider-like parasite called a tick.

  • Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) and transferrin test

    Find out what a total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) or transferrin test measures and what high and low TIBC levels may indicate.

  • Thyroid cancer

    Find out about thyroid cancer, including what the symptoms are, what to do if you think you have it, how it's treated and where to get support.

  • Thrush in men and women

    Find out more about thrush (yeast infection), including what the symptoms are, how it's treated, why it happens and how to help prevent it.