Search results for help from doctor
Information for adults who want help with GP services
If you are aged 16 or over, you can ask someone you trust if they will agree to be your proxy and help you manage your GP services. They may be able to help you manage your appointments, prescriptions and medical information.
Diagnosis - Depression in adults
Find out how depression is diagnosed. A GP will ask you questions about your general health and how your feelings are affecting you mentally and physically.
How to access mental health services
Find out about the different ways to get help with your mental health, the process, and your rights.
Where to get help for self-harm
Self-harm is when somebody intentionally damages or injures their body and is a sign of emotional distress. Support is available for anyone who self-harms or thinks about self-harm, as well as their friends and family.
Information for under-16s on parents and guardians accessing your doctor's services
Your parent or someone else that looks after you may want to use apps or websites to help them manage your doctor's appointments, prescriptions and health information online. Find out about this access and your choices.
Pregnancy, breastfeeding and fertility while taking zopiclone
NHS medicines information on zopiclone and whether you can take it while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Contact your GP surgery - NHS App help and support
Contact a GP or other health professional using the NHS App or the NHS website. It saves you waiting for an appointment or going to the GP surgery.
Self-help - Phobias
Find out more about self-help for phobias, such as using your own self-help strategy or getting help from a mental health specialist.
What is proxy access?
A GP surgery can give someone proxy access so they can help another person manage their GP health and care.
GP health record - NHS App help and support
Information about viewing your health record, using the NHS App or the NHS website.