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Genital herpes
Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 or type 2. It causes painful blisters to appear on the genitals and the surrounding areas.
Gender dysphoria
Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity.
Gallstones are small stones, usually made of cholesterol, that form in the gallbladder. They do not usually cause any symptoms and do not need to be treated.
Gallbladder cancer
Understand more about gallbladder cancer, its symptoms, when to get medical help, testing and diagnosis, treatment and where to find help and support.
Food poisoning
Read about the symptoms and causes of food poisoning and what you should do if you get it. It's not usually serious and most people get better within a week without treatment.
First aid
Find out what to do in emergency situations such as anaphylaxis, bleeding, burns and scalds, choking, drowning, electrocution, fractures, heart attacks, poisoning, shock and stroke.
Feeling sick (nausea)
Feeling sick (nausea) is common and usually goes away on its own. Find out about some things you can try that might help and what might be causing it.
Epidermolysis bullosa
Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a general term used to describe a group of rare, inherited skin disorders that cause the skin to become very fragile.
Empyema is the medical term for pockets of pus that have collected inside a body cavity. They can form if a bacterial infection is left untreated, or if it fails to fully respond to treatment. The term empyema is most commonly used to refer to pus-filled pockets that develop ....
Read more about emollients, which are moisturising treatments applied directly to the skin. They're often used to treat skin conditions like eczema.