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About amlodipine
NHS medicines information on amlodipine – what it's used for and key facts.
Physical activity guidelines for older adults
Physical activity guidelines for older adults, aged 65 and over, for general health and fitness, including simple ideas for building exercise into your day.
Physical activity guidelines for adults aged 19 to 64
General health and fitness guidelines for adults aged 19 to 64, including tips on how to achieve 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity a week.
You and your baby at 27 weeks pregnant
What's happening at 27 weeks of pregnancy, including baby development, your health, planning for birth and getting your whooping cough vaccination.
You and your baby at 15 weeks pregnant
Your baby's development and things to think about at 15 weeks of pregnancy, including vaginal discharge, backache and chicken pox.
You and your baby at 6 weeks pregnant
Read more about your baby's development and things to think about at 6 weeks of pregnancy, including your emotions in pregnancy, free prescriptions and dental care and stopping smoking.