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Cluster headaches
Find out about cluster headaches, which are severe attacks of pain on 1 side of the head, including the symptoms, when to get medical help and how they’re treated.
Bell's palsy
Find out more about Bell's palsy, a condition that causes temporary weakness or paralysis of the muscles on 1 side of the face.
Typhoid fever
Read about the symptoms of typhoid fever, which usually develop 1 or 2 weeks after infection with Salmonella typhi bacteria.
Cavernous sinus thrombosis - Complications
About 1 in 3 people with cavernous sinus thrombosis die, and many people who survive it go on to develop further problems.
Turner syndrome
Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder that only affects females. It causes a wide range of symptoms and some distinctive characteristics.
Swollen glands
Read about swollen lymph glands, which are usually a sign of infection. Find out what the symptoms are, how to ease them and when to get medical help.
Find out about styes, including what causes them, what you can do to treat them and when to see a GP.
Read about stillbirth, which is where a baby is born dead after 24 completed weeks of pregnancy. Find out the causes of stillbirth and how to reduce the risk.
Reactive arthritis
Find out about reactive arthritis, including the symptoms, how it's treated and why it happens.
Phlebitis (superficial thrombophlebitis)
Find out about phlebitis (superficial thrombophlebitis), including what the symptoms are, what causes it, when to get medical help and how it’s treated.