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Recovering from a heart attack
Find out about recovering from a heart attack.
preventing a heart attack
Find out about how to prevent a heart attack (or prevent having another heart attack).
diagnosing a heart attack
Find out about tests to check for a heart attack.
complications of a heart attack
Read about complications of a heart attack. Complications of a heart attack can vary widely, from mild to life threatening.
Causes of heart attack
Find out about the causes of heart attacks.
Coronary heart disease - Treatment
Read about the treatments for coronary heart disease (CHD). Although it cannot be cured, treatment can help manage the symptoms and reduce the risk of further problems.
Coronary heart disease - Symptoms
Read about the symptoms of coronary heart disease (CHD). The most common symptoms are chest pain (angina) and breathlessness.
Coronary heart disease - Recovery
Read about recovering from a heart attack or heart surgery, including information and advice about exercise, relationships and sex, and returning to work.
Coronary heart disease - Prevention
Find out how to reduce your risk of getting coronary heart disease (CHD). A healthy diet, regular exercise, keeping to a healthy weight, not smoking and reducing your alcohol intake will all lower your risk.
Coronary heart disease - Diagnosis
Find out how coronary heart disease (CHD) is diagnosed. It's usually confirmed after a risk assessment and some further tests.